Before You Go and Save the World...

Before You Go and Save the World...

Caring is a balancing act. Occasionally we find ourselves going above and beyond for everyone else and their causes, and we refuse to go above and beyond for ourselves. When was the last time we really fought for ourselves? Are we worth fighting for? I know I always want someone to fight for me and choose me. Can I do that, firstly, for myself? How else will I know what fighting for myself looks like when it shows up in my life if I can’t fight for myself? 

Can I fight for myself, and care for myself so that I know what that looks like when it shows up in my life?

Understanding that we are all connected by the same spiritual energy doesn’t have to mean that we neglect ourselves in favor of caring for others. We don’t have to become martyrs sacrificing all of ourselves for the greater good. Sometimes the greater good needs us around for the marathon fight. When we take stock of what we need on an individual, emotional level we are much more able to fight for others. Let us fill our cup with small acts of creativity, small acts of self love, small acts of self compassion and self appreciation. Once we fill our cups to the point of overflowing we’ll find it much easier and a much more natural step to give to others. We can’t give what we don’t have. So give a little love, compassion and forgiveness to yourself today so that we can keep up the good fight of serving others. 

I hope this message resonated with you!

Acyuta Gopi

Differently Beautiful

Differently Beautiful